Well, I think the rest of my stay here in Korea is going to suck balls; at least the days I work.
I decided to leave Korea some time ago. Everything is set in stone now, so there is no turning back. I am coming home by the middle of next week. I didn't tell many people (only the ones who would be involved in my return really) mainly because I didn't want to answer questions over and over again, and I didn't want words of encouragment to stay. This isn't the place for me, is all. It has nothing to do with the kids, my place, the company (though I have a feeling that I would left due to the company later), the school, the people, or the culture. It has to do with a lot of things but they are more feelings. Anyway, so when I told my boss that I was leaving he begged me not to tell anyone at the school or even my own partner. So I didn't. He even asked to wait til they found an replacment, I said no. I told him that I would finish out the term cause I don't want to leave the kids without a teacher being so far into their lessons. But after that I am gone, for I feel no more regret beyond that. Well, lots of emails and words were exchanged, nothing harsh. Long story short, they have a replacement, who will be here late by a few days. So I do feel better knowing that the kids will have a teacher for next term. Well, today, with only 6 days of teaching left, I find out that the school now knows aboutme leaving and they are very "frustrated" with me. I can understand why. Lots of effort was put into me being here and stuff. But again, I rarely feel guilt anymore, so I don't really care how much they hate me. I just know that until now, I had many hello's and hand shakes and smiles, and now it is going to be different. I feel bad for leaving, but not bad about leaving. I am coming home and that is enough said. I just know that these next few days will be hard, rep wise. Mainly cause these next days I will be eating lunch in the teacher's lounge again, with all of the faculty. Today will especially hard, since they just found out today. There will be many questions, and wonder why I am leaving. I won't be able to eat much due to all of it. Or acturately get my point across. Lots of uncomfortable silence, which normally doesn't bother me much, but now it is because of me. Anyway, I won't let it get in the way of teaching or me having a good time while I am still here. Just the school will be uncomforable.
Oh, and about 3 weeks ago, my partner asked me if I was leaving (I had suspected that Mr. Park had told her already, even though he still, everyday, asked me not to tell anyone), there was no way I could lie to her face. She had asked me straightout and I told her striaghtout. She has done so much for me here that felt wrong to to keep the lie up. Besides, I need some help getting home and she is my only friend here. Anyway, she has been helping still, and understands why I am leaving, completely. Since she sees me everyday, she notices that this isn't the place for me and that I should go home for the sake of me.
Well, I meant to go to the bus stop to find out what time I could take the bus to get to the airport . A Korean man stop me to ask about English and we walked and talk for awhile. We were both going to the bus stop and I kinda let it pour out about me leaving and all and he helped me find the right bus and the right time. So I was that was frelling cool, mainly cause of this: I had planned on doing that all day, but I was lazy and didn't leave until like 7 at night. Well, I decide to stop atthe PC room, cause it was on the way, to check my email. Well, I did, which is when I get to do my therapy session. So the email was long, I wrote a long one back; all the while thinking I really need to get to the bus stop to do this today. So I leave the PC room around 8:30. Well, the man who stopped me was right in front of me when we were walking. How lucky am I to have run into him at that very moment, when thoughts running through my head are 'how am I going to find this out, it is all in Korean?'
So that was pretty lucky. Well, yesterday, Movie Day. Were watching 3 movies and 2 I have never seen. Well, partner asks me which ones do you want to see, btw the 2 I haven't seen neither has she, so we both want to see the same ones. Well, we agreed that I would watch Hoodwinked (very funny btw) and one showing of A Nighmare before Christmas. She would watch the other showing of ANbC and Ice Age 2. Well, ANbC didn't work so I when it was my turn to watch it we just watched Ice Age2. I got to see both movies that I wanted to. She saw Ice Age 2 and the Incredibles. Cool, cool. Well, the finally straw that I am the luckiest SOB on the planet.
I have to leave at 3:10 in the morning to catch the bus at 4:20 to be at the airport by 7-8am to catch a flight at 10am. Well, all that is managable. The biggest difficulty I had was lugguge. I had to walk all this luggage to the bus (about half a mile). I wasn't looking forward to that, but it is also why I was leaving at 3:10. I figure I was going to need some time for resting. Well, after Movie Day, after cleaning the rooms, and after we finished all thedays work; my partner asks if she can drive me to the bus stop when I have to leave. She is aware how early it is and she has a work so I say no. But she won't give up. She know that that is the last time she will see me, and she wants to do this for me cause she knows I have a few heavy peices of luggage. In truth, I had to hold back a few tears. Never did I expect that. I had wanted to ask but it was to early and she doesso much already. I was in the mind set of doing this my way and then here she is. She really likes me and wants to send me off. So now, although it hasn't changed my mind, I have one reason to stay. A good friend in Korea.
Now many may be thinking, "dude, she likes you, hook up wit dat shizit", or something to that effect. Well, she has a boyfriend, although that hasn't stop me in the past, she is also getting married in December. She told me she is very sad to see me go, and she wanted to invite me to the wedding. Of, course I would be happy to go but that is nearly $1500 to get back here for that.
Anyway, I hope these last days go well. Unlike my when I came here I am nearly fully packed with just a few essentials for the next few days that get packed as the day for my flight gets closer and closer.
Also, the people I told that I was coming home can't seem to make my flight to pick me up. This is sort of why I am telling everyone now. I need a ride. Not desperatly or nuthin. I can take a cab. Just be nicer if a friend picks me up is all. I'll be home at about 4:30pm on Sept. 6th (thats a Wed.). I'll give more info through email if someone can do it. Also, I think this will be my last post for a while. If something happens I'll just add it to the bottom of this one. That way all you slackers that don't read blogs often will know I am home. I am certain parties will be had by all, so just keep an ear out.
Also, one added bonus, for the person or people that pick me up, ...
...lunch is on me :)
You Are 78% Evil |
![]() |
Monday, August 28, 2006
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Sunday, Sunday, Sunday
For an update, skip a few paragraphs. I talk a lot about the books I have been reading in the first part of the blog...
Well, I planned to go to Seoul this weekend, but plans change. After school Friday, I planned to clean house, laundry, dishes, etc. But like I have been doing since the overtime, I passed out. So I had to get that stuff done on Saturday. So I did. Except for the cleaning the bathroom and laundry. Instead, I accidently picked up the the last book of the series I have been reading and finished it. Didn't realize what time it was til I was done. So I tried to at least get there today. No dice. I forgot that I should wash my bed and I need to be home for that because it takes a while dry even with the heater on. So I decided to get out of the house and justt fart around on the net for a few hours. I took a walk, long walk. Got some money out; picked up a Snickers. Blah, Blah, Blah. Nothing special but at least I am out of the house. And finished with that series, til R. A. Salvatore decides to write more. I might continue to read, though probably not.
R. A. Salvatore. When I started this series, I simply enjoyed the story. The characters were okay, sort of typical of a D&D adventurung party, which usually consists of a very odd collection of adventures that normally wouldn't hang together due to racism. Not a bad form of racism (well, not all bad) just people in this fantasy world genreally hang with there own kind. Anyway, the next installment was interesting because I brought a world to me that I hadn't known. The Underdark. The third installment was more annoying than anything else; however, there was a shinning moment. A moment where I witnessed R. A. Salvatore's writing ability grow. When he killed off a main character. Now, he did it in a half-assed, kinda B-movie kinda way. The character was getting real annoying and just being an ass. So, in the movies what do you do? You kill them off. That way, althought they were being an ass, you now feel pity and sorrow for them and there friends and family that have to deal with the loss. Basically, it wasn't very original; but it showed growth in his writing style. He didn't grow again until halfway through the fourth installment of books, when the book centered around a different character and his difficulties in regaining his mental state after being tortured for 6 years. That was a good book. Inner turmoil and all; facing your demons so to speak. Well, this lastest installment...there is a quote from some magazine or publishing company on the inside cover saying how comparable this lastest triology is just as good as Lord of the Rings. And I would have to agree on a small level. The story is indeed epic in size and turmoil. Ups, downs, and plenty of tension breakers made from Dwarven quips (these really are hilarious). However, again, each of the main characters comes to the brink of death but is brought back again. Now, of course a lot of sub-characters die, or are physically deformed, but not a one of the main characters. The only trauma that any of the characters have ever really faced has been emotional. I believe, that by doing this, this writer is implying towards the struggle of living everyday with everyday crap. Well, that is all and good, but after 17 books, sometimes your friends die. I also think that this writer is afraid to truly kill off one the characters for fear that his fans will revolt, and he will have to change jobs cause no one will buy his boring books. As I stated before, the latest series is indeed his greatest work, but I believe he will never get better than this unless he grows as a writer and learns that even shit happens in fiction.
Well, now that I am done with this series, I can move on to finishing Return of the King. Then a book I have been dying to read for a long time. The Once and Future King.
Update on goings on...
Well, overtime is over. Techanically Monday is the last day but since we don't have class and are having a movie day instead I don't count it. We have two times to watch movies: at 1pm it is still a toss up between Hoodwinked and A Nightmare before Christmas, we have to tally the votes; the second is at 3:10pm, and though the kids had a choice between A Nightmare before Christmas and Ice Age 2, I am pretty certain that A Nightmare before Christmas wins out. The kids won't attend both of course, which is why we have the double feature. We actually had a bigger list and a sign-up sheet but someone scibbled over the whole thing so...we knew that a lot wanted to see ANbC, but the others 2 had a sizable vote as well. The reason the kids have been choosing ANbC a lot is cause they only see the poster and thing it is a scary movie, no matter how much we tell them it isn't. Oh, well. Movie day for me, and only like 2 classes. I am happy either way. Then Tuesday is the first day back from Summer vacation and class schedule goes back to normal. So all those that I use to talk to via gmail chat. I am available again, cause MY COMPUTER IS FIXED. YAY.
Well, that is all I got.
Well, I planned to go to Seoul this weekend, but plans change. After school Friday, I planned to clean house, laundry, dishes, etc. But like I have been doing since the overtime, I passed out. So I had to get that stuff done on Saturday. So I did. Except for the cleaning the bathroom and laundry. Instead, I accidently picked up the the last book of the series I have been reading and finished it. Didn't realize what time it was til I was done. So I tried to at least get there today. No dice. I forgot that I should wash my bed and I need to be home for that because it takes a while dry even with the heater on. So I decided to get out of the house and justt fart around on the net for a few hours. I took a walk, long walk. Got some money out; picked up a Snickers. Blah, Blah, Blah. Nothing special but at least I am out of the house. And finished with that series, til R. A. Salvatore decides to write more. I might continue to read, though probably not.
R. A. Salvatore. When I started this series, I simply enjoyed the story. The characters were okay, sort of typical of a D&D adventurung party, which usually consists of a very odd collection of adventures that normally wouldn't hang together due to racism. Not a bad form of racism (well, not all bad) just people in this fantasy world genreally hang with there own kind. Anyway, the next installment was interesting because I brought a world to me that I hadn't known. The Underdark. The third installment was more annoying than anything else; however, there was a shinning moment. A moment where I witnessed R. A. Salvatore's writing ability grow. When he killed off a main character. Now, he did it in a half-assed, kinda B-movie kinda way. The character was getting real annoying and just being an ass. So, in the movies what do you do? You kill them off. That way, althought they were being an ass, you now feel pity and sorrow for them and there friends and family that have to deal with the loss. Basically, it wasn't very original; but it showed growth in his writing style. He didn't grow again until halfway through the fourth installment of books, when the book centered around a different character and his difficulties in regaining his mental state after being tortured for 6 years. That was a good book. Inner turmoil and all; facing your demons so to speak. Well, this lastest installment...there is a quote from some magazine or publishing company on the inside cover saying how comparable this lastest triology is just as good as Lord of the Rings. And I would have to agree on a small level. The story is indeed epic in size and turmoil. Ups, downs, and plenty of tension breakers made from Dwarven quips (these really are hilarious). However, again, each of the main characters comes to the brink of death but is brought back again. Now, of course a lot of sub-characters die, or are physically deformed, but not a one of the main characters. The only trauma that any of the characters have ever really faced has been emotional. I believe, that by doing this, this writer is implying towards the struggle of living everyday with everyday crap. Well, that is all and good, but after 17 books, sometimes your friends die. I also think that this writer is afraid to truly kill off one the characters for fear that his fans will revolt, and he will have to change jobs cause no one will buy his boring books. As I stated before, the latest series is indeed his greatest work, but I believe he will never get better than this unless he grows as a writer and learns that even shit happens in fiction.
Well, now that I am done with this series, I can move on to finishing Return of the King. Then a book I have been dying to read for a long time. The Once and Future King.
Update on goings on...
Well, overtime is over. Techanically Monday is the last day but since we don't have class and are having a movie day instead I don't count it. We have two times to watch movies: at 1pm it is still a toss up between Hoodwinked and A Nightmare before Christmas, we have to tally the votes; the second is at 3:10pm, and though the kids had a choice between A Nightmare before Christmas and Ice Age 2, I am pretty certain that A Nightmare before Christmas wins out. The kids won't attend both of course, which is why we have the double feature. We actually had a bigger list and a sign-up sheet but someone scibbled over the whole thing so...we knew that a lot wanted to see ANbC, but the others 2 had a sizable vote as well. The reason the kids have been choosing ANbC a lot is cause they only see the poster and thing it is a scary movie, no matter how much we tell them it isn't. Oh, well. Movie day for me, and only like 2 classes. I am happy either way. Then Tuesday is the first day back from Summer vacation and class schedule goes back to normal. So all those that I use to talk to via gmail chat. I am available again, cause MY COMPUTER IS FIXED. YAY.
Well, that is all I got.
Monday, August 21, 2006
A more relaxed post...
So I have one more week of this intensive, overtime class. The last class is on next Monday. Then Tuesday is when summer break is over and I go back to the orignal schedule of mornings when I don't need to be at work til 11am. And get out of work around 5-6pm, which is kinda of the same as now cept sleep'n in part. I am much calmer now. I was able to do a little therapy for someone, which always puts me in a better mood. Basically dealing with others problems instead of my own. Granted it was via email, and I really love face to face interaction (that way I can read body language); but the email was filled with enough emotion to get the message across.
Sept. 5th is the last day for this class term. The kids are great (most of the time), though I could do without the yelling in a small, enclosed space thing for a while.
And one final note: warning, if you a perceived notion of me, being this sweet guy and has no desire of the opposite sex sort of thing. Then end you reading now.
I would like to talk about my weight loss. Now, I go on and on about it, but in truth it hasn't been that big of a change. I notice it of course cause I see myself...well, most days. However, there is one very good sign I have to determine such weight loss. My package. Yes, I mean my twig and berries. First, there is the sign of being able to look down and see my pecker without sucking in my gut, which I like. Second; since my weight loss my bulge has gotten noticably bigger as well, and let me tell you, it puts a smile on my face that the most prominate part of my anatomy fast become my package and less and less my keg of a gut. Yes, I admit; I have come out of the 5min shower, after toweling off and putting on some underware, and stood in the morning sun admiring the growth and shirnkage, of the both parts of my body, respectively, with great joy. I don't believe I have ever been more proud of being hung like a Tic Tac in my life. :)
Sept. 5th is the last day for this class term. The kids are great (most of the time), though I could do without the yelling in a small, enclosed space thing for a while.
And one final note: warning, if you a perceived notion of me, being this sweet guy and has no desire of the opposite sex sort of thing. Then end you reading now.
I would like to talk about my weight loss. Now, I go on and on about it, but in truth it hasn't been that big of a change. I notice it of course cause I see myself...well, most days. However, there is one very good sign I have to determine such weight loss. My package. Yes, I mean my twig and berries. First, there is the sign of being able to look down and see my pecker without sucking in my gut, which I like. Second; since my weight loss my bulge has gotten noticably bigger as well, and let me tell you, it puts a smile on my face that the most prominate part of my anatomy fast become my package and less and less my keg of a gut. Yes, I admit; I have come out of the 5min shower, after toweling off and putting on some underware, and stood in the morning sun admiring the growth and shirnkage, of the both parts of my body, respectively, with great joy. I don't believe I have ever been more proud of being hung like a Tic Tac in my life. :)
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Angry post
Okay, so I got really sick. So sick I had to cancel classes, well, I would have canceled classes but my partner insisted on "taking care of it" meaning she taught all 13 classes at the same time. I told her to cancel them but she would hear nothing of it. Well, after 2 days of rest (15th we had off) I feel loads better, well, I did. Now I have big headache, which will go away as soon as I get some food in me...at home. :EDIT: I would like to apologize in advance, this keyboard sucks ass, I am trying to catch each spell error but it is difficult; to give you a heads up, the "A" button doesn't work all the time. :EDIT END:
So I got up today feeling it was going to be a good day. And indeed it was. I checked my email before class (after running to the PC room); called my mom; and made it to class on time, though a little later than usual. It scared my partner, I usually show up around 8:30, well, it was 8:45. I get to class and she says how happy she is to see me. She went to my apartment to get me but there was no anwser, so she figured I was still sick and was going to teach all the class again. I can't believe this woman. She is pretty much my only friend cause she speaks English. She is the only one I have contact, everyone else either ridicules or ignores me, which I don't mind cause I don't know what they are saying or what to say to them...cause no one speaks English...well, it is deeper than that. It has to do with their culture to be honest. But I don't want to get into that. When I want it to sound like observation, it will come across as some American sounding full of themselves and can't believe how the world hasn't adopted our style or culture when all I hear is how they revear it. I don't want it to sound like that cause I don't feel that way. These people have more culture and history then most do around the world. Their culture had to shift and adapt, as did everyones culture, in order to survive the times.
But jeez, it is really starting to drive me nuts that I don't have a native english speaker to bullshit with, to go out and have a beer with, something to just vent for a few hours, to get everything off my chest and out there, then be calm enough just soak in the experience.
I have had to revert to the TJ we all knew way back in High School in order for my psyche to survive and I hate it. I put those years behind me, and now I am experiencing them all over again. Things would be better if i just could talk to someone for awhile. Sure, I could call one of you back in the states but it would cost me a decent amount, that and it is like 3am there right now as I write this but it is almost 6pm here. The only times I could call are erly morning here before class (when I am not upset, I am pretty calm in the morning) Or really late at night when I should be in bed so I can get up for class the next day. Then, of course, there is putting one (or some) of you out for a few hours where you will need to go for a few beers to unwind after I let loose.
So I got up today feeling it was going to be a good day. And indeed it was. I checked my email before class (after running to the PC room); called my mom; and made it to class on time, though a little later than usual. It scared my partner, I usually show up around 8:30, well, it was 8:45. I get to class and she says how happy she is to see me. She went to my apartment to get me but there was no anwser, so she figured I was still sick and was going to teach all the class again. I can't believe this woman. She is pretty much my only friend cause she speaks English. She is the only one I have contact, everyone else either ridicules or ignores me, which I don't mind cause I don't know what they are saying or what to say to them...cause no one speaks English...well, it is deeper than that. It has to do with their culture to be honest. But I don't want to get into that. When I want it to sound like observation, it will come across as some American sounding full of themselves and can't believe how the world hasn't adopted our style or culture when all I hear is how they revear it. I don't want it to sound like that cause I don't feel that way. These people have more culture and history then most do around the world. Their culture had to shift and adapt, as did everyones culture, in order to survive the times.
But jeez, it is really starting to drive me nuts that I don't have a native english speaker to bullshit with, to go out and have a beer with, something to just vent for a few hours, to get everything off my chest and out there, then be calm enough just soak in the experience.
I have had to revert to the TJ we all knew way back in High School in order for my psyche to survive and I hate it. I put those years behind me, and now I am experiencing them all over again. Things would be better if i just could talk to someone for awhile. Sure, I could call one of you back in the states but it would cost me a decent amount, that and it is like 3am there right now as I write this but it is almost 6pm here. The only times I could call are erly morning here before class (when I am not upset, I am pretty calm in the morning) Or really late at night when I should be in bed so I can get up for class the next day. Then, of course, there is putting one (or some) of you out for a few hours where you will need to go for a few beers to unwind after I let loose.
Monday, August 14, 2006
I was going to put something kinda long talking about the second to last book in he series I am reading; my day; how I finally got kinda sick; how I lucked out in finding out that tomorrow is Korea's 'fourth of July' and no school so I can get better; how I still don't have a bed; how much I want to send pics but how the PC room pc's don't support USB porting; how I can't believe how much weight I have lost and how much I haven't gained back for binging over the weekend; how I can't seem to stop looping a sad song about being forgotten; how my only stimualtion (games) is really starting to irritate me; how hot it is; how better the kids are getting but also how they only have 2 or 3 weeks left in the term then a new batch; how much I hate cleaning my ears with toothpicks; the inconsiderate nature of this culture to fellow human beings; how my partner takes care of almost everything for me without teaching me how to do it on my own; how much I want to start exersicing to firm up my now flab but how exhausted I am everyday; how much of a glutton lush I feel everytime I go shopping and find something new to try; how I have become addicted to Pringles cause it is the only chip container with a lot of fuckin' chips (there chip bags are seriously a handful of chips and air); how I have no one to talk to cause this really is rural community regardless of how modren it is; how I have been focusing on the negative lately; my computer doesn't get internet, my white board is still not installed, but at least the 20+ bug bites have healed; my clothes and I feel so much cleaner; I still can't figure out the trash situation; ... ... ... there is, of course, a lot more but I just don't fell like dwealing on it. So you get a short post for now.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
partial update
To let everyone know. My internet at school has been cut off. We don't know why, and anyone who could help fix it, is on vacation. So I won't be online much. The blog is still going though. The price at the PC room isn't so bad. Classes are going better since I put my foot down and let the kids actually know how scary I can be. They didn't expect it. The Intensive courses aren't so bad either. There's 3 instead of 4, and 2 of them have kids with a pretty good understanding of english, well, 1 really good one, 1 okay, and 1 of young'ns.
It is my birthday, and something weird happened. It was actually kinda good. I had to do some uber disipline on 3 kids, which felt real good and after it was over, I just let the emotions drop. Yelling at kids is real easy; especailly when you are just acting the part. Yeah, they are being bad (I don't care), but they're parents put them here for an education and they will learn what I have to teach. That and they are really scared about what I might do. Parents are stopping by the classes and disiplining their kids in front of everyone...its awesome. Cause not only do they pratically beat their own kid in class they also yell at all the other kids. Regardless if I can't understand them I still deserve the same respect as their other teachers. And today, the biggest trouble child I have, I mean the biggest, this kid is everywhere, and yelling, and screaming, and throwing shit. Well today, he was literally the best behaved kid I had all day...and that is saying a lot (I got a lot of good kids). And many of kids knew it was my birthday, I even got a cake from one of them. Like the size of a personal pan pizza but a freakin' cake. Lots of cards (like 8), and lots of happy birthdays. My partner even ordered out and had a delivery from my favorite restuarant.
It is my birthday, and something weird happened. It was actually kinda good. I had to do some uber disipline on 3 kids, which felt real good and after it was over, I just let the emotions drop. Yelling at kids is real easy; especailly when you are just acting the part. Yeah, they are being bad (I don't care), but they're parents put them here for an education and they will learn what I have to teach. That and they are really scared about what I might do. Parents are stopping by the classes and disiplining their kids in front of everyone...its awesome. Cause not only do they pratically beat their own kid in class they also yell at all the other kids. Regardless if I can't understand them I still deserve the same respect as their other teachers. And today, the biggest trouble child I have, I mean the biggest, this kid is everywhere, and yelling, and screaming, and throwing shit. Well today, he was literally the best behaved kid I had all day...and that is saying a lot (I got a lot of good kids). And many of kids knew it was my birthday, I even got a cake from one of them. Like the size of a personal pan pizza but a freakin' cake. Lots of cards (like 8), and lots of happy birthdays. My partner even ordered out and had a delivery from my favorite restuarant.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Vaction :End:
Well, 3 games down and working on the fourth (and third games...Hard Time Attack mode in Shadow of the Colossus), and about 100 pages into the 2nd book. After this book, I have one more left in the series and I can finally end the saga of Drizzit. I will, probably, never pick up another book about. I can then start so many other books. To have a clue as what I have been through for this series, let me put some detail on it for you. The series starts with the Icewind Dale Triology, then continues on to the Dark Elf Triology, next is the Legacy of the Drow Quartet, following the Paths of Darkness Quartet, and finally the Hunter's Blade Triology. 17 books. Now, I'm for a good story, and this story time line takes about 50-60 years. But I mean, c'mon. A hero that lasts 17 books.
Around the time of first book in the Legacy of the Drow series, is when I heard (from an unnamed source) about this ideal of how this charater is unbeatable. Never had this occured to me until I heard that and then I began to think on it...he's right. Drizzt never dies, never fails, well, he fails but manages to get out of it...always. So, after hearing that I was reluctant to finish the series, in fact, it took me forever to go back to them, to will myself to finish. So, why not stop? I had already bought and tracked down the entire series by this point.
A good question is how did it start...well, that is a very long story involving and Ex of mine. Nothing bad or nothin' just long...some other time maybe. The short is she read it and got me hooked.
Well, anyway I finished the "1000 Orcs" and am on to the "Lone Drow". After that is "The Two Blades" and then finish...maybe. I might just start the War of the Spider Queen after that...6 books.
I finished Suikoden V...twice, Shadow of the Colossus hard mode (only 6 into the hard time attack mode currently), and finally got 100% completion on Shadow of Destiny. Shadow of Destiny is about going through time to prevent your own death. Shadow of the Colossus is about a boy, a horse, a sword, and a land full of moving mountains that need killin'. And well, I already explained Suikoden V in a previous post. I am working on 100% completion of FFX-2. it will take awhile since I have 99% when I started a new game. And now i have to go back through to find that elusive 1% (or less) to get the "perfect"ending. though in my opinion the 99% ending was pretty good already. After that is Res Evil Outbreak then Outbreak: File #2. This...will take a long while.
That was my vacation. I planned to make it to Seoul, but...it really is a lot of effort just walk around for an few hours. I was told to see Monster House but was unsure that it would be here. Well, I ran into one of the kids that I teach (the one who speaks the best English) and he asked what I was going to do in Seoul. I said maybe a movie, and he asked what movie. I didn't know, and he said Monster House was really good. Well, that confirmed it. Next weekend though. I wouldn't be able to see it til then...maybe. The absolute earliest I could get to Seoul would be 5:30pm and it would take another half hour to get to the movie theater. After that is getting a ticket that isn't sold out. Then getting back to the bus station before 10:30. In America this would be completely possible, but I sure hell ain't there. Who knows, maybe I really have a bad day or something.
Well, tomorrow I start teaching 7 classes instead of the 5. Overtime sure, but still. That is a lot of kids that don't speak English, yelling and screaming (though in truth I am making progress with that).
At least I have clean clothes now. :) :) :) :)
no idea how happy that makes me....
Around the time of first book in the Legacy of the Drow series, is when I heard (from an unnamed source) about this ideal of how this charater is unbeatable. Never had this occured to me until I heard that and then I began to think on it...he's right. Drizzt never dies, never fails, well, he fails but manages to get out of it...always. So, after hearing that I was reluctant to finish the series, in fact, it took me forever to go back to them, to will myself to finish. So, why not stop? I had already bought and tracked down the entire series by this point.
A good question is how did it start...well, that is a very long story involving and Ex of mine. Nothing bad or nothin' just long...some other time maybe. The short is she read it and got me hooked.
Well, anyway I finished the "1000 Orcs" and am on to the "Lone Drow". After that is "The Two Blades" and then finish...maybe. I might just start the War of the Spider Queen after that...6 books.
I finished Suikoden V...twice, Shadow of the Colossus hard mode (only 6 into the hard time attack mode currently), and finally got 100% completion on Shadow of Destiny. Shadow of Destiny is about going through time to prevent your own death. Shadow of the Colossus is about a boy, a horse, a sword, and a land full of moving mountains that need killin'. And well, I already explained Suikoden V in a previous post. I am working on 100% completion of FFX-2. it will take awhile since I have 99% when I started a new game. And now i have to go back through to find that elusive 1% (or less) to get the "perfect"ending. though in my opinion the 99% ending was pretty good already. After that is Res Evil Outbreak then Outbreak: File #2. This...will take a long while.
That was my vacation. I planned to make it to Seoul, but...it really is a lot of effort just walk around for an few hours. I was told to see Monster House but was unsure that it would be here. Well, I ran into one of the kids that I teach (the one who speaks the best English) and he asked what I was going to do in Seoul. I said maybe a movie, and he asked what movie. I didn't know, and he said Monster House was really good. Well, that confirmed it. Next weekend though. I wouldn't be able to see it til then...maybe. The absolute earliest I could get to Seoul would be 5:30pm and it would take another half hour to get to the movie theater. After that is getting a ticket that isn't sold out. Then getting back to the bus station before 10:30. In America this would be completely possible, but I sure hell ain't there. Who knows, maybe I really have a bad day or something.
Well, tomorrow I start teaching 7 classes instead of the 5. Overtime sure, but still. That is a lot of kids that don't speak English, yelling and screaming (though in truth I am making progress with that).
At least I have clean clothes now. :) :) :) :)
no idea how happy that makes me....
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Suikoden V
Game review---
Suikoden V, obviously, the fifth in the series. Little is known about this...well, unknown series. Suikoden is a politcal RPG. Where you must amass a rebel army to put down a tyrant of a nation, or foriegn power, or just simply to stand against a warring power. Each game takes place in a different region and time of a created world. For example; Suikoden 4, takes place in the southren region, amoung the Island Nations, around the year 100; where as Suikoden 1 takes place during the year 220ish and on the southren tip of the northren continent. Now as you may see the games are out of order due to timeline of the supposed story. Well, no. The story of Suikoden is a simple one.
During the years of the creation of the world, there was Sword and Shield. Sword boosted that it could cut through anything and Shield claimed that nothing could break it. So Sword and Shield fought over the land and there sparks made the stars in the heavens. After many years had gone by Sword broke Shield and Shield shattered Sword. They fell to the gound into 27 peices, which are today called the 27 true runes. These 27 runes wield incredible power beyond the scope of many. Each, of course, is also unique in power as well. After this war between Sword and Shield, an ancient race, that has no name, ruled the land, and most likely died out due to war and strife. After this ancient race, came the Sindar. Little is known about this race other than that there technology is vastly superior to the tech of today. The Sindar left many ruins and long forgotten tech about which brings question to how and why they left. Apparently they just disappered. It is known, however, that the Sindar understood the runes better than any alive today. So, many search and study these ruins left behind for clues and treasure, of course. That is the history of Suikoden. Today, many nations run themselves, many see war, many unite, and many fall. One nation; however, remains a constant throughout all the games and story. The Kingdom of Harmonia. This Kingdom is claimed to searching for all the 27 runes and obtaining them in order to be the most nation on the planet.
As said before, each game deals with one nation at a certain (maybe pennical) point in that nations history. And in each game the Kingdom of Harmonia is mentioned or sightly involed (by that I mean they have ONE liason advising to the current power of that nation). This is what I love about this series, the consistancy. And in each game, which probably the main focus of the overall picture, they contain 1 or more of the 27 true runes. I believe these games follow the story of the runes more so than the story of the world. This series is also a collection of books. I have yet to read any of these, but I believe that they will just as great as the games.
These games are also, usually, filled with great mini-games and gambling games taht I have never encounter before. There is also one add addiction the game to make it marketable. The Pokemon quality. Within each game, there is a side story of the 108 stars of destiny. During this uprisings you go around the country recuiting for your army. 108 to be exact. Each person represents a Star of Destiny that, of course, destiny decided will monumental to the outcome of the apporaching war. Now, in truth, not really. Collection all 108 stars fits the game into the timeline, as well as some reoccuring charaters from game to game. But, hardly is it nessesary to collect them all.
All that being said, I was disappointed in the fifth addition to the series (though not nearly as upset as the fourth one, god that one was horrible). The game had an incredible story, unbelieveable detail and background. Even the first few hours of game play are pretty much the intro.
A nation under the rule of a divine Queen who is imbued wuth the Sun rune (1 of 27). Unfortuantly the Sun rune has not been worn in centuries and that is due to the legend that the bearer of the rune went insane and destroy the entire nation in one go (the Sun rune, after all have all the abilities and power of the Sun itself). Well, due to 2 warring senators teh country is at war, the Queen dies, the heir to the throne is captured and the Prince flees. You play the part of the Prince and enventually raise an army against your sister, the new Queen. Great story.
My problem with the game was that, like the fourth, they introduced to many new elements and removed to many "oldie but goodie" ones. For instance, as you recruit people for your army, your castle gets bigger, due to all the people under that new recruits influence, working and fixing and making a bigger and better castle for a base of operations. Well, in this story that doesn't happen. The castle is built and will always remain the same regardless of what you do. Much like 4, where you had a massive ship of a HeadQuarters. The boat didn't get bigger, you just filled it. Now, I admit that is a lame reason to dislike it but the first 3 were like this and the series was beginning to fall. Games 1, 2, and 3 were incredible. I mean the the first was awesome, the second was better, and the third was frelling incredible. Then the fourth came out and I was excited cause it look place on the ocean and we were pirates and stuff, and I was like all "yeah" and stuff. And then I played it and it horrible, one of the worst games I have ever played. That is saying a lot coming from me.
Though 5 is much better than the last and the story is great, it doesn't live up to the first 3. But it is good and were I to rank it amoung its predeccors it would come in a tie with 3rd place, merely due to the incredible story.
I know this post sucks for like "What new" and "how're things man", but is what is on my mind, so in that respect it qualifies, so :P
Suikoden V, obviously, the fifth in the series. Little is known about this...well, unknown series. Suikoden is a politcal RPG. Where you must amass a rebel army to put down a tyrant of a nation, or foriegn power, or just simply to stand against a warring power. Each game takes place in a different region and time of a created world. For example; Suikoden 4, takes place in the southren region, amoung the Island Nations, around the year 100; where as Suikoden 1 takes place during the year 220ish and on the southren tip of the northren continent. Now as you may see the games are out of order due to timeline of the supposed story. Well, no. The story of Suikoden is a simple one.
During the years of the creation of the world, there was Sword and Shield. Sword boosted that it could cut through anything and Shield claimed that nothing could break it. So Sword and Shield fought over the land and there sparks made the stars in the heavens. After many years had gone by Sword broke Shield and Shield shattered Sword. They fell to the gound into 27 peices, which are today called the 27 true runes. These 27 runes wield incredible power beyond the scope of many. Each, of course, is also unique in power as well. After this war between Sword and Shield, an ancient race, that has no name, ruled the land, and most likely died out due to war and strife. After this ancient race, came the Sindar. Little is known about this race other than that there technology is vastly superior to the tech of today. The Sindar left many ruins and long forgotten tech about which brings question to how and why they left. Apparently they just disappered. It is known, however, that the Sindar understood the runes better than any alive today. So, many search and study these ruins left behind for clues and treasure, of course. That is the history of Suikoden. Today, many nations run themselves, many see war, many unite, and many fall. One nation; however, remains a constant throughout all the games and story. The Kingdom of Harmonia. This Kingdom is claimed to searching for all the 27 runes and obtaining them in order to be the most nation on the planet.
As said before, each game deals with one nation at a certain (maybe pennical) point in that nations history. And in each game the Kingdom of Harmonia is mentioned or sightly involed (by that I mean they have ONE liason advising to the current power of that nation). This is what I love about this series, the consistancy. And in each game, which probably the main focus of the overall picture, they contain 1 or more of the 27 true runes. I believe these games follow the story of the runes more so than the story of the world. This series is also a collection of books. I have yet to read any of these, but I believe that they will just as great as the games.
These games are also, usually, filled with great mini-games and gambling games taht I have never encounter before. There is also one add addiction the game to make it marketable. The Pokemon quality. Within each game, there is a side story of the 108 stars of destiny. During this uprisings you go around the country recuiting for your army. 108 to be exact. Each person represents a Star of Destiny that, of course, destiny decided will monumental to the outcome of the apporaching war. Now, in truth, not really. Collection all 108 stars fits the game into the timeline, as well as some reoccuring charaters from game to game. But, hardly is it nessesary to collect them all.
All that being said, I was disappointed in the fifth addition to the series (though not nearly as upset as the fourth one, god that one was horrible). The game had an incredible story, unbelieveable detail and background. Even the first few hours of game play are pretty much the intro.
A nation under the rule of a divine Queen who is imbued wuth the Sun rune (1 of 27). Unfortuantly the Sun rune has not been worn in centuries and that is due to the legend that the bearer of the rune went insane and destroy the entire nation in one go (the Sun rune, after all have all the abilities and power of the Sun itself). Well, due to 2 warring senators teh country is at war, the Queen dies, the heir to the throne is captured and the Prince flees. You play the part of the Prince and enventually raise an army against your sister, the new Queen. Great story.
My problem with the game was that, like the fourth, they introduced to many new elements and removed to many "oldie but goodie" ones. For instance, as you recruit people for your army, your castle gets bigger, due to all the people under that new recruits influence, working and fixing and making a bigger and better castle for a base of operations. Well, in this story that doesn't happen. The castle is built and will always remain the same regardless of what you do. Much like 4, where you had a massive ship of a HeadQuarters. The boat didn't get bigger, you just filled it. Now, I admit that is a lame reason to dislike it but the first 3 were like this and the series was beginning to fall. Games 1, 2, and 3 were incredible. I mean the the first was awesome, the second was better, and the third was frelling incredible. Then the fourth came out and I was excited cause it look place on the ocean and we were pirates and stuff, and I was like all "yeah" and stuff. And then I played it and it horrible, one of the worst games I have ever played. That is saying a lot coming from me.
Though 5 is much better than the last and the story is great, it doesn't live up to the first 3. But it is good and were I to rank it amoung its predeccors it would come in a tie with 3rd place, merely due to the incredible story.
I know this post sucks for like "What new" and "how're things man", but is what is on my mind, so in that respect it qualifies, so :P
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
...for the masses
So I climbed out of shell of an apartment to write about the goings on, but it was really to long so I had to delete it. Instead, I will give it to you in stages. About once everyday or two days, a new post will happen that I will already have written about what is happening and my internal dialoge.
This first one will be a 2 parter since they are small parts each:
Since being on vacation, I have very little contact with the public and no contact with english speakers, so that tends to lead to massive internal conversations. Let us start with laundry:
Yes, laundry. I have been here for over a month now have not had any soap to put in my laundry. All I have been doing is throwing them into the washer and then airdry. On the first day I did go shopping with my boss and tolfd him I need laundry soap...he got me a Korean fabreeze of some sort, which I didn't know until I tried to use with my laundry the first time. So I went looking for soap before the next load...I thought I found it. No, it is fabic softener. So finally, after a month of looking around my nearest Super Market (which about the size of two of classrooms, see pics) I found laundry soap, and can't wait to use it. Not only is it hot here but up until now it rained a lot. Well, not so bad but the hard part is drying off any one of the 3 towels i have, all of which have my man stink on them. Yeah, rub that in face for a month and see how excited you will feel at just a little soap. Now, you may be wondering why I didn't find it until now, so was I. I reasoned that I skipped in repeatedly because it is next to the dishwasher soap, and me having no dishwasher, simply walked on by. Now, you may be asking why I didn't use just some other soap. Well, if you must know. I get very timid when trying something that works on one thing (i.e. dish soap) on something it isn't designed for (i.e. for laundry). I don't want a degreaser on my clothes and have no idea what it would do to them. So I beared with the smell of my stink for awhile. I did come really close to using the dish soap, though. I was doing dishes one day, and I caught a whiff of the soap; it smelled of oranges. Well, I happen to like that smell and thought maybe... I would have done it too, but everytime I tried to do laundry, someone else's crap was in the machine. Though a very (very) small building. It holds a lot of people and only one machine.
So, let's move on to my building. My building is three floors and 8 apartments (according to the mail boxes). There are 2 rooms on the ground floor...maybe. There are 2 front doors almost right next to each other but only one back door...anyway. In front of both apartments is parking, which is being used for lawn chairs and sitting outside in the shade. Why shade? Well in the place of where 2 more apartment would go is where the parking is, so it is covered parking. It could fit (according to the way Koreas drive and park) maybe 4 cars. Well, only 2 are ever there cause they like to take up space apperently (we will get to my problems with there culture in other posts).
Second floor: 5 apartments. My floor, and I believe I have the smallest room, which is fine cause there is only me. It is a studio apartment. One small room, big window, actaully a nice sized bathroom/shower, 2 top stove, mini-fridge, some sort of wood box probably just a stand of a TV, and couple of movable cloests: one big, one small. I still don't have a bed. Anyway, two more rooms on my side of the hallway and 2 on the other. My side is above the 2 apartments on the ground floor. And I am right next to the stairs. At the end of the hall is the washer and a water purifer/water cooler. I fill large bottles of water here. The third floor.
Well, if you count that means there is only 1 room left (according to mail boxes). The super lives up there. And it takes up the entire 3 floor.
A couple cool things. My place is easy to clean, the AC has little work to do in order to cool it down, and the heater...let me explain this:
There are no vents in my place. No ventilation what so ever. The AC is a wall unit, with a tube to window link to a small fan system outside. The heater, many asian heating systems are like this. The heater IS the floor. when you turn on the heat, the floor heats up, in turn heating up the room, kinda like being in a large oven. I tried it out one day (a cool day). It is kinda like going to the beach. I walk around like I'm hot sand. What you are suppose to do is heat the place up when you are out and then turn it off when you get home and let it...or you...simmer. Kinda cool. Really dries my laundry when I lay it out :)
This is getting to much so I'll cut it short.
I'll mention one bad thing for now. The fridge. Apparently it doesn't like to keep things frozen. I bought some ice cream the other and it melted in the fridge and oozed everywhere. So, I cranked the temp down and did it again. It melted again. But only oozed in the freezer this time and froze to the freezer. the ice cream melted...oh, and seperated...yeah, no more Ice cream for me.
I'll leave with that.
This first one will be a 2 parter since they are small parts each:
Since being on vacation, I have very little contact with the public and no contact with english speakers, so that tends to lead to massive internal conversations. Let us start with laundry:
Yes, laundry. I have been here for over a month now have not had any soap to put in my laundry. All I have been doing is throwing them into the washer and then airdry. On the first day I did go shopping with my boss and tolfd him I need laundry soap...he got me a Korean fabreeze of some sort, which I didn't know until I tried to use with my laundry the first time. So I went looking for soap before the next load...I thought I found it. No, it is fabic softener. So finally, after a month of looking around my nearest Super Market (which about the size of two of classrooms, see pics) I found laundry soap, and can't wait to use it. Not only is it hot here but up until now it rained a lot. Well, not so bad but the hard part is drying off any one of the 3 towels i have, all of which have my man stink on them. Yeah, rub that in face for a month and see how excited you will feel at just a little soap. Now, you may be wondering why I didn't find it until now, so was I. I reasoned that I skipped in repeatedly because it is next to the dishwasher soap, and me having no dishwasher, simply walked on by. Now, you may be asking why I didn't use just some other soap. Well, if you must know. I get very timid when trying something that works on one thing (i.e. dish soap) on something it isn't designed for (i.e. for laundry). I don't want a degreaser on my clothes and have no idea what it would do to them. So I beared with the smell of my stink for awhile. I did come really close to using the dish soap, though. I was doing dishes one day, and I caught a whiff of the soap; it smelled of oranges. Well, I happen to like that smell and thought maybe... I would have done it too, but everytime I tried to do laundry, someone else's crap was in the machine. Though a very (very) small building. It holds a lot of people and only one machine.
So, let's move on to my building. My building is three floors and 8 apartments (according to the mail boxes). There are 2 rooms on the ground floor...maybe. There are 2 front doors almost right next to each other but only one back door...anyway. In front of both apartments is parking, which is being used for lawn chairs and sitting outside in the shade. Why shade? Well in the place of where 2 more apartment would go is where the parking is, so it is covered parking. It could fit (according to the way Koreas drive and park) maybe 4 cars. Well, only 2 are ever there cause they like to take up space apperently (we will get to my problems with there culture in other posts).
Second floor: 5 apartments. My floor, and I believe I have the smallest room, which is fine cause there is only me. It is a studio apartment. One small room, big window, actaully a nice sized bathroom/shower, 2 top stove, mini-fridge, some sort of wood box probably just a stand of a TV, and couple of movable cloests: one big, one small. I still don't have a bed. Anyway, two more rooms on my side of the hallway and 2 on the other. My side is above the 2 apartments on the ground floor. And I am right next to the stairs. At the end of the hall is the washer and a water purifer/water cooler. I fill large bottles of water here. The third floor.
Well, if you count that means there is only 1 room left (according to mail boxes). The super lives up there. And it takes up the entire 3 floor.
A couple cool things. My place is easy to clean, the AC has little work to do in order to cool it down, and the heater...let me explain this:
There are no vents in my place. No ventilation what so ever. The AC is a wall unit, with a tube to window link to a small fan system outside. The heater, many asian heating systems are like this. The heater IS the floor. when you turn on the heat, the floor heats up, in turn heating up the room, kinda like being in a large oven. I tried it out one day (a cool day). It is kinda like going to the beach. I walk around like I'm hot sand. What you are suppose to do is heat the place up when you are out and then turn it off when you get home and let it...or you...simmer. Kinda cool. Really dries my laundry when I lay it out :)
This is getting to much so I'll cut it short.
I'll mention one bad thing for now. The fridge. Apparently it doesn't like to keep things frozen. I bought some ice cream the other and it melted in the fridge and oozed everywhere. So, I cranked the temp down and did it again. It melted again. But only oozed in the freezer this time and froze to the freezer. the ice cream melted...oh, and seperated...yeah, no more Ice cream for me.
I'll leave with that.
Three games and half of a book almost finished....
and tomorrow, profit...
(I'll get more next time my time is almost up here in the PC room)
and tomorrow, profit...
(I'll get more next time my time is almost up here in the PC room)
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