You Are 78% Evil
You are very evil. And you're too evil to care. Those who love you probably also fear you. A lot.

Friday, July 07, 2006

I love bein' a Pirate

Well, my first week of actual teaching is over and I have successfully live 2 weeks in Korea. The teaching was bad at first because I was shooting from the hip and improv-ing a lot. But we finally got books to teach out of. Now, the first week I merely taught straight out of the book but the next week.....I'll probably teach straight out of the book. Oh, well. Pirates has come out this weekend and I plan on seeing it; which means I need to get to mall in Seoul. I'm also going to eat so more Chicago pizza and see if it can pair up with real Chicago food. What was really nice is how I got the 1st level kids to shut up and calm down.....give them homework and let them do it in class. I gave them like 30mins and they were mostly quite for that whole time. These are mostly not auditory learning kids, some are and I let them know how greatful I am for the help they give me. But I can't seem to make them sit still as well as my partner can with her class.

Oh well, arrgh matey. Love pirates with all my heart.....yeah, the whole thing. I'll be seeing ya foolish landlubbers. Arrgh.

1 comment:

AliKat said...

Hurray for Pirates!! Hopefully I will have time to see it, stupid work.