You Are 78% Evil
You are very evil. And you're too evil to care. Those who love you probably also fear you. A lot.

Monday, February 12, 2007


Are, dead. Out of the people on my blog list (which needs to be updated), 2 still blog. Aw well,...I hope the services rocked the ....well, whatever.


david golbitz said...

Yeah, I've noticed that, too. I think it's basically you, me and Rose & Johnny lately. I guess all those other people have, like, lives or whatever.

Or they're just super-ass lazy.


As an aside, so I'm sitting here in the chem computer lab and my back is hurting a little, but not, like, a lot, just a little, kind of a constant throbbing, and I'm wondering if I want to take an Oxycodone right now, even though the pain isn't too bad, or will it fuck me up for my afternoon classes?

Decisions, decisions.

JLGB said...

so I guess I don't have to worry about the fact that I haven't posted in awhile, since I'm not on THE LIST anyways.

crying in a corner in Baltimore

rainbowponi said...

ya, so what is this LIST. i think jenny and i will form our own list.
the we blog when we want to LIST, which is still more often that just about any one else who isnt goldbitz or jason t, who are crazy fanatics who are on at least once a day.
on second thought, that is a crazy long name for our LIST.
jennie you got anything?

JLGB said...

how about... "the Jennie list," since silly Poni, you are already on THE LIST... the list is on raptor's blog, on the left, entitled, "friends"
but really, who are we to complain? the man said it needs updating, he's just too busy trying to pay rent and shit to bother doing such updates... :)