You Are 78% Evil
You are very evil. And you're too evil to care. Those who love you probably also fear you. A lot.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Midnight showing of Spider-man 3

Okay, I'm still remodeling the blog but I got talk about this all shall suffer HAHAHAHA (head cocked back with hands on hips).

Spider-man 3

Was awesome but a lot of worries that came up before the film came true for the most part but was still done well enough. First, my biggest worry was Topher Grace as Venom. Now, he is a good actor, but I think he would have made a better Carnage than Venom. He is really good at playing the arrogant ass...But he did well. I was also concerned about Topher's size. Venom is suppose to be ominous in presence, but they did well with what they had. They played it off as a creature from space which is what the simbiote is.

Thomas Hayden Church is always good though. You can tellthat in some of sand scenes he acted through it and then they morphed him into a man of sand.

Green Goblin Jr. was pretty good but I have always had reservations about the actor for it.

Kirsten Dunst was actually top notch here. I was really impressed with her performance. And the constant interaction with upcoming supervillans i.e. Lizard, and Black Kat (I think Stacey turns to Black Kat...I can't be certain), was really cool.

But just like I thought, they crammed to much into 2 and half hours. After it got dark (in mood) the film really picked up though.

Overall, top notch for a third film. But that is what it is...a third film. And it seemed too much like a comic this time around. More of a filler for the next 2. I really hope they keep the same cast and crew.

1 comment:

david golbitz said...

Black Cat is a woman named Felicia Hardy. Gwen Stacy was Peter's first girlfriend in the comics, whose neck he accidentally snapped while trying to rescue her from the vile clutches of the Green Goblin.

And I agree with your assessment (see my blog). There was way too much plot for two and a half hours. Like I wrote in my review, if they wanted to tell this story, they should have done it over two films.

And yeah, it was very comic book-ish, wasn't it? Too much CGI. Half the movie looked like a cartoon.