So for some little joy in my life I decided to spurge for the film festival. 3 nights of films the public wont see 'cept for the limited time of this festival. And also, it is possible that the turn out of this will inspire more such films to be released if the turn out is big so I felt it right to promote such an endeavor.
I'll be giving away a little of the plot of these films but since you can't see them anymore in theaters I don't feel to bad :)
Film 1 day 1
REINCARNATION (RINNE) --- ratings: 2 raptors
I think this film would not have made it to theaters here because it is slightly disturbing but mostly because it is foreign. Since most Japanese horror films get made into re-makes; i.e. The Ring (Ringu), and The Grudge (Ju-On). This film fits along the lines of these Japanese versions. Just as good as Ringu and Ju-On but different. It has a more accidental theme to it.
The film is about a man who kills 11 people in a hotel (only 11 people were in it at the time). About 5 staff, his family, and a few other couples that happen to be there in 1970. 35 years later, a well-known director wants to make a film about those murders and he has an obsessive passion to make it as close to exact as he can. Meanwhile the woman hired to play the daughter of the killer is getting memory flashes of this past scenario. In addition, the film jumps around in the beginning of few people who also get flashes of memories or glimpses of dead souls and they have nothing to do with the soon to be made film. So as the title suggests, these people are the Reincarnations of the ones murder 35 years ago. as the film to be made nears completion the visions intensify to the point of taking people out of the real word and back to that point in history to witness the occurrence. Now, by my reasoning there is a specific entity that is forcing these visions.
And here is one big spoiler to the plot but not the twist: The killer was not insane per say, he was conducting an experiment on Reincarnation. He wanted to see if they would all meet up again in the next life. Well, the kicker is he didn't count on a vengeful spirit to bring them all back to the situation (where otherwise they all wouldn't have been reunited).
A pretty good film. Pulls you in; however, the character (as is often in Japanese horror films) doesn't come to the conclusion nearly as quick as you can.
Film 2 day 1 :edit: moved to bottom (personally my favorite of the day, want to save for last)
Film 3 day 1
DARK RIDE --- ratings: Ex-raptor feeding grounds
The Reason this film didn't make it to theaters IMO, is due to the death of 2 14ish year-old girls in the beginning of the film. By recollection, most children who die in films usually get whisked away and hear screams of some sort of in the distance, away from camera; or there is a montage shot of screams, the knife, the face of victim throwing their head back and forth and for some reason a light is swinging about of there is a strobe light on. Away, this film doesn't do that (same possible reason for Reincarnation, you witness the killings because the killer filmed it while he did it)
There a small fair ride called Dark Ride. Common in small town fairs. Basically, a horror version of the tunnel of love. Not really scary except to kids. Well, in 1989 two twins died on one of these rides. After investigation, turn out a total of 14 people died on this particular ride. There owner of the ride a 2 children, the older of the 2 was demented. He would snatch people out of the ride and re-enact the scenes within the ride. Like if you were riding past the demented doctor scene he would eviscerate you. Well, the killer was also retarded. He had the mentality of a 5 year-old. He thought he was playing. Anyway, the shut the place down and put the killer into a metal asylum. About 16 years later they re-opened the ride. 3 days before re-opening, so college kids decide to save money and they want to spend the night in the ride. And of course, this is the same time the killer escapes, the exact same time, so word of the escape isn't out yet.
Anyway, aside from the ban of such a film due to content, this film sucked ass. It was a cheesy horror flick; college kids, weed, road trip, flier that a Dark Ride amusement ride is opening up. Bad shots, bad DP, bad direction. Which is really the suck part. The acting was good with what they had. As were the special effects; example, the killer sneaks up behind a rent-a-cop and slices his head "in a perfect line" in two. Well, they did some crappy film work after that which pulled away from the coolness of the scene, but is the factual detail that they did the effect which gave me awe struck to the horror effect guys. Now, hopefully you have seen, somewhere in the films in your life, a brain in a jar. Just floating there, in perfect preservation. If you have ever touched such a brain, you would know the texture of such. Well, there is one problem. In films you see such brains and there lying around or something, but they look just like that brain in a jar, you can basically tell they are brains. Well, brains don't look like that without the proper treating of chemicals. Brains are actually very liquid. If you were to actually grab someones brains right out of there head, it would ooze right through your fingers, much like jello that hasn't been in the fridge long enough. Anyway, when the head split open the brains leaked out...I was impressed. But that one special effect didn't save the film.
:edit: relocated Film 2 day 1
UNREST --- ratings: Raptor nest
By far by favorite.
The ban on this film is just. The reason this film is banned from public is this; the film is about med-students in Gross Anatomy class. This is the class where they dissect a cadaver. The cadavers in this film...are real. Yes, real dead bodies on film. Now, I'm not saying that the bodies look real; no, these are real dead bodies for med-students to dissect. This is why the film can not be shown. But man was it super cool.
Med-students work together in this lab but are divided up into groups of 4. The film focuses on one batch of 4. Well, it focuses on one cadaver really. Something about this cadaver is spooking one of the med-students. Something about the soul not put to rest. This film I don't want to ruin with all the detail just because it is so good. I could literally talk pages about this film. Here is a little bit though. The woman was possessed before she died by an Aztec God-ish. Anyway, people who touch this body are dieing. And one way they die is by drowning. In the cadaver lab there is a tank. A tank of formaldehyde of which there are cadavers floating inside to keep fresh of this lab. Now the through-out the course of the film the woman's body is placed back into the tank. And the students figure out that they need to put the body to actually get inside this tank with the real cadavers...OMG. This is all real. This is a real lab with real cadavers. It is freaking insane it was so good. not the highest rank due to the resolution after the was kinda weak.
In case your wondering about my rating system, I have revised it.
here it is from worst to fantabulous:
65 million years later - will never die by raptors
Ex-raptor feeding grounds - small chance of raptor death (much like being hit by lightning)
Raptor feeding grounds - decent chance of death but possible survival
1 raptor - will die but not after lots of torturous waiting as it stalks you
2 raptors - will die after they start eating you
3 raptors - will die before you even see the other 2
Raptor nest - will die with a vengeance
Raptor hunting party - signing you soul away could not protect you
You Are 78% Evil |
![]() |
Saturday, November 18, 2006
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Umm, sorry, brains are not quite that liquidy. Brain tissue is firm enough to be poked by fingers (trust me- I've done this), cut into, and suctioned against without sucking up brains. Even outside of the skull, it would hold its shape due to its 3 protective layers, esp. the dura mater. Tumors and blood vessels are more delicate, however.
Jeez was an embelishment...god...picky, picky
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