You Are 78% Evil
You are very evil. And you're too evil to care. Those who love you probably also fear you. A lot.

Friday, January 26, 2007

I stood up today...

Now, I was perfectly content, as I usually am in my life, of just sitting by for the next 1-3 years earning those much need years of experience in lab to move on to better and brighter things.

I work in a lab that is poorly inefficient; it has been this way for a long, long time. Lately there has been a buzz of new procedures to be introduced to make it more efficient, but then I heard that they had been saying that for the past 3 years. Well, there was a meeting earlier this week and also today. I got to be a part of them since I will eventually be in the lab and actually working (another slam towards the inefficient-ness).

To tell the truth, I kinda got excited. By the time my training is done I will have to train on the new system they will implement to make things run better, but this point I have no problem with. They are truly serious about the change and that the change will happen within the next few months. Throughout all of my orientation and training, they talk about devotion to the company and how great we really are and stuff; ya' know blah, blah, blah. I swallowed on the surface to feign delight in working here and planned to keep that up for a few years. It isn't bad here just uhhh. But the minute I saw this plan, the laid out a floor model, and simulations and how they have implemented already in two other locations. I really got jazzed up about working here.

I can't go into detail, but it is way better then what they have now.

So, today's meeting was about getting trainers and how should do schedules. Just about everyone agreed to wait out the schedule change to feel it out. As for the trainers, almost everyone agree to get outside trainers to be trained on the system and then to train everyone else. Well, I'm new, and some of the people here voice there opinions quite openly; nothing wrong with that, it just that I didn't want to get shot down. So I waited til the meeting was over. I pulled the presenter to the side and flat out told them, "I want this training position."

I was so surprised at myself but I just kept going. Telling about useless I feel; how my talents are being wasted; how I have experience in educating others on a complex idea into a simple understanding; how it would beneficial since I haven't learned any bad habits yet, how I watch others do their jobs and see where they are going wrong and why so much stuff gets screwed up down the line, how I have prevented so much from continuing; how I am new and can come from a view with fresh eyes and a complete understanding of how they did do it (which is what I am being trained on now) to how they will do it, and being able to educate using both models to show improvements within the system.

And then, I ended on how I understand I won't get this since I am only seen as new to the whole thing but how that is better, and how I am unable to prove how good I am for this job.

I truly feel this in my bones, down to my core. I believe I have always felt the intuition on knowing what is right for me and what isn't. At this time, at this place, this is right for me...I feel this.

Plus, how cool would be to go from this newbie with no official lab experience who has only been here for 3 weeks to lead trainer of the lab in a matter of a month or 2.

I hope I get it. Otherwise, I'll continue to feign ignorance with the subtle hint extreme intellect, like I'll say, "Is this right?" with a innocent puppy dog look. While the others find the problem about a minute later and figure out what went wrong and give me props for 'asking questions when I felt something wasn't right, or seemed confused' when in truth, all I want to say is, "you accidentally screwed up this unit, you try this technique out and work to get into your routine to prevent this from happening in the future while I go over here and fix this unit so that we can still use it without wasting it and costing this company another grand for frelling something up."

Seriously, this job is just so easy, but if I do anything without being "properly trained" I can get into so serious trouble. So, I just try let the others fix their own problems by pointing out that "this doesn't look like the training video said it should."


yeah, I hope I get it.

1 comment:

david golbitz said...

Good luck getting the training gig. Sounds like it'd be a good thing for ya.

And that's great, how you presented yourself to the, well, the presenter. I hear they like it when you show ambition and enthusiasm.

Incidentally, Michelle asked after you earlier this week, wondered how you were doin', what you were up to, that sorta thing. So she says 'hi.'