You Are 78% Evil
You are very evil. And you're too evil to care. Those who love you probably also fear you. A lot.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

My famous dissappearing act

Okay, due to me runnin a three-day game next week, Jennie's Party, graduating in 4 weeks, my research, and trying to get to Korea...I think I may be a little busy...I've done enough lollygagging and now it is crunch time. I can't promise anything, but most of you will see me sometime next week, then I am runnin the home-stretch with my research and finals. And after that comes the move that might end up being the big move to Korea. Anyway, busy, busy, busy...

...the T has spoken




david golbitz said...

Do you know when you're going to know for certain about Korea? How soon would you be going?

raptorpack said...

I'm emailing my app Sunday. They need a resume, photo, and some vitals i.e. age, school, address. I arranged to get my photo this sunday which is why the delay til now. Digital camera so I can download it directly to my comp. My resume needs a little polish but tomorrow I apply...I'm actaully really excited. I know that since I am really excited that something is going to go wrong like they don't need me for like 8 months or something like that. I'll also apply some more around here. Only a month left and I stop making money since my job is school related.